June-2023 Update


This was a very busy month for us. we have done the following:

  • Uploaded 5 out of 12 Books of Shahnameh by Ferdowsi to Amazon (Translated line by line)
  • Uploaded 2 out of 2 books of Divan Hafez to Amazon (Translated line by line)
  • Uploaded 5 out of 9 books of Divan Shams by Rumi to Amazon.
  • Finalize Farsi-Poems.Com 

 We are planning to do the following in July:

  • Finish Farsi book translation work( Boof-Khor is being used as a sample)
  • Finalize the demo of Family-Tree 
  • Develop Class Eval (کلاس اول) book
By clicking the following images, it will take you to Amazon book store. 
If you want a PDF version, let me know and I will send it to you.
Please add comments and tell us what you think.


Shahnameh - Series on Amazon
Divan e Hafez
Divan Hafez Serise on Amazon
Divan Shams by Rumi
Divan Shams Serise on Amazon

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